So, it has been quite eventful to say the least; hats off for The Trekkers Return after experiences of…

The Trekkers Return
So, it has been quite eventful to say the least; hats off for The Trekkers Return after experiences of harsh weathers, fair weathers, mountains, flatlands, pub hotels, hostels, backpacks, pub grub, scenery, various coloured sheep, babbling brooks (so many babbling brooks) and, most of all, the wonderful people with whom we went; we would have to say that this trek was definitely one of, if not the most, fulfilling moments of the year.
After the first day of trekking and seeing some spectacular scenery going uphill and downhill and walking on level ground, especially the amazing lakes, woods and greens; we ended up in a pub called The Shepherds Arms Hotel where the true meaning of feast was shown to us. Between eating large portions of lamb shanks, burgers, pasta carbonara amongst others and feeling the love from David Phillips showing his appreciation for the efforts we decided to take up for PEPE and their cause, we staggered to bed fatigued and somewhat drained ready for the Trekkers Return to the trail the next day.
The Trekkers Return Day 2
Day 2 was another story altogether, at first one never really appreciates the severity of walking up 755 metres until one actually does it. And let me tell you, it is mean. The whole group, being led again by Colin but also another experienced trekker, David (who happens to be Ruth’s cousin), had their trials and tribulations but all in all we stuck it out together through the harsh hills of Red Pike, some even filling a bottle of directly sourced spring water.
We finally made our way to the youth hostel which brought a welcome rest to the very tired group. Unfortunately the energy levels with which we started, see The Trek Begins, were now considerably low.
As expressed by everyone, we utterly enjoyed every minute of the trek and are glad that we had the opportunity to do something as worthy as this for one of the best causes to date. We thank Ruth Van Cranenburgh for organising and meticulously planning every step of the trek. We also thank Baz Van Cranenburgh and Bambooka for the support and David Phillips for the awesome sunglasses and the words of gratitude and also Colin and David for leading us through the thick and thins of the journey.
We are grateful that The Trekkers Return only means we are stronger and better experienced to go on the next leg of the Coast to Coast walk.
Happy trails and see you soon.
M, Bambooka